What Does Fully Vaccinated Mean?
As the vaccine becomes available to more and more individuals, it is important for employers to understand what exactly is “fully vaccinated.” The CDC made it clear that an employee who has had a Close Contact with an individual who has COVID-19 does not need to isolate or quarantine so long as they are fully vaccinated.
When is an Employee Fully Vaccinated?
An employee is deemed to be fully vaccinated in the following situations:
Two weeks after their second does in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
Two weeks after a single dose vaccine, such as Johnson and Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
What Employers Need to Know:
When assessing whether quarantine requirements apply to certain employees, employers may request proof of vaccination. As explained in my previous blog on this issue, an employer may request proof of vaccination. REMEMBER: When requesting proof of the vaccine, prudent employers will warn the employee not to provide any medical information when they are providing their proof of vaccination. Inquiries that go beyond simply requesting proof of vaccination risk triggering the ADA.