Vaccinated Employees May Still Have to Quarantine
On February 11, 2021, the CDC updated the Guidance on When to Quarantine. For information regarding the standard for quarantine, please refer to my previous blog on the topic.
The update to the Guidance reads as follows:
People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease within the last three months and show no symptoms.
NOTE: The Guidance is Clear that a fully vaccinated employee does not need to quarantine after a Close Contact if:
The employee has been fully vaccinated (2 shots) within the last 3 MONTHS (90 days); and
The employee does not show any symptoms.
This is interesting. Let’s look at a few scenarios…
Scenario #1:
Employee receives the second vaccination on February 1, 2021.
Employee has a Close Contact with a Confirmed Case of COVID-19 on March 17, 2021.
Employee is asymptomatic (NO symptoms).
RESULT: Employee does not have to quarantine, as they were fully vaccinated within 90 days of the Close Contact, and the employee does not have any symptoms.
Scenario #2:
Employee receives the second vaccination on February 1, 2021.
Employees has a Close Contact with a Confirmed Case of COVID-19 on March 17, 2021.
Employee is experiencing symptoms.
RESULT: Employee must quarantine. Even though they were fully vaccinated within 90 day sof the Close Contact, they are experiencing symptoms.
Scenario #3:
Employee receives the second vaccination on February 1, 2021.
Employees has a Close Contact with a Confirmed Case of COVID-19 on March July 4, 2021.
Employee is asymptomatic (NO symptoms).
RESULT: Employee must quarantine. The employee was not fully vaccinated within 90 days of the Close Contact.
Scenario #4:
Employee receives the second vaccination on February 1, 2021.
Employees has a Close Contact with a Confirmed Case of COVID-19 on March July 4, 2021.
Employee is experiencing symptoms.
RESULT: Employee must quarantine because: (a) The employee was not fully vaccinated within 90 days of the Close Contact, and (b) the employee is experiencing symptoms.
Employers should update their COVID Policies and their Employee Screening processes. This Guidance throws much caution to businesses. The vaccine does not offer employers the green light for all employees to return to in-person employment. Employers should educate their employees on this new Guidance.
Prudent employers will have all employees (regardless of vaccination status) still report whenever they had a Close Contact. However, the inquiry for a fully vaccinated employee would look like this:
Have you had a Close Contact with a Confirmed Case of COVID? (Y/N)
Are you experiencing symptoms?
If yes, then Quarantine.
If No, then go to the next question.
Are you fully vaccinated? (Y/N)
If Yes…
Did you receive your second shot within the last 90 days of the Close Contact? (Y/N)
If No, then quarantine.
If Yes, then quarantine is not required.
It is important for Pennsylvania Employers to stay up-to-date with the CDC Guidance. The November 23, 2020 Consolidated Order from the Commonwealth requires all employers comply with CDC Guidance when it comes to quarantine/isolation.