New Jersey Executive Order 192 Effective November 5, 2020 at 6:00 am
On October 30, 2020, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order 192 which requires businesses to implement mandatory safety standards. The Order takes effect on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:00 am. The Governor explained the reason for the Order being:
…[N]ow that a more significant portion of the State’s workforce has returned to in-person work, and as the State’s economy continues to gradually reopen, it is necessary to ensure broad application of relevant health and safety standards to protect workers across all industries; and
…[G]iven the recent upticks in the rate of reported new cases across all counties in the State, the use of mandatory health and safety protocols for all industries can help guard against continuing spread and ensure that New Jersey’s workers feel safe and supported at their places of work…
As explained below, it is prudent for employers to have a written COVID Policy. This Order sets the standard of care for employers. It would be prudent for employers to have a policy that is in accordance with this order. Such policy should be accompanied by a certification that the employees have read and reviewed the policy. The policy and accompanying materials would be helpful when faced with a COVID-related claim.
This Order applies to every business, non-profit, governmental or educational entity ( collectively “employers”), that requires or permits employees, whether in whole or in part to be physically present at the worksite. This Order applies to businesses even if they do not require their employees to be on site. If an employer allows employees on site, then the following standards must be in place:
Social Distance
Employers must require that all individuals maintain 6 feet distance in the workplace.
Where it is impossible for social distance, employers must ensure that all employees wear a mask and install physical barriers between work stations.
Face Coverings
All Employees must wear a mask. Employers may allow for employees to remove their masks when:
The employee is at their workstation and more than 6 feet from other individuals, or
When the employee is alone in a walled office.
All customers, visitors and other individuals entering the worksite must wear a masks.
Employers may deny entry to the worksite to any employee who does not wear a face mask.
Employers must accommodate employees who cannot wear a face mask because of a disability. Employers may require that employees submit medical documentation that they are unable to wear a face mask bc of a disability.
NOTE: This is in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (“NJLAD”).
Customers and Visitors
Employers may deny entry to the worksite to customers and visitors who do not wear a face mask.
NOTE: Employers must keep in mind ADA and NJLAD when denying entry.
Sanitization Materials
Employers must provide sanitization materials to employees, customers and visitors.
Employers must pay for the materials.
The sanitization materials must come at no cost to the employees, customers or visitors.
Ensure Employees Practice Hygiene
Employers must ensure that employees practice regular hand hygiene. Employers must provide employees break time for handwashing throughout the workday.
Workplace Sanitization
Employer must routinely clean and disinfect all high-touch areas in accordance with the DOH and CDC Guidelines.
Employee Screening
Prior to each shift, employers much conduct daily health checks such as:
temperature screenings
visual symptoms checking
self-assessment checklists
health questionnaires
NOTE: The Order does not require each of the above screening methods. The phrase “such as” implies that the above list are examples of what could be employed by employers.
Sick Employees
Employers must immediately separate and send home employees who are symptomatic.
NOTE: Employers must be aware of the New Jersey Earned Sick Leave Law
Notify all employees of any known exposure to COVID-19
Clean and disinfect areas in accordance with the CDC Guidance
Exemption. The Order does allow for some exemptions. It reads that the standards listed above does not apply to the following industries if they “interfere with the discharge of the operational duties.” The industries listed are as follows: first responders, emergency management personnel, court personnel, law enforcement and corrections personnel, hazardous materials responders, transit workers, child protection and child welfare personnel, housing and shelter personnel, military employees, and governmental employees engaged in emergency response activities. Again, this does not mean that the aforementioned employers are exempt from the requirements of this Order. It simply means if the operational duties are interfered with, then employers can be exempted. Employers should consult with counsel when seeking such exemption from the Order.
The state will create an “intake mechanism to receive complaints from individuals working in the state.” The Department of Labor and Workforce Development (“DOLWD”) shall undertake the investigation of all complaints, which can include a workplace inspection.
We can expect the state to promulgate penalties for violations. The Order also allows for the DOLWD to promulgate trainings and create notices for employers.
What Does This Mean For New Jersey Employers?
This Order sets the standard of care for employers in New Jersey. Prudent employers should have the following in order to ensure compliance with this Order and to combat any Covid-related claims:
COVID Policy
Certification of Employees that they read and signed the Policy
Employee Training of the Policy
Employee Certification of Receipt of PPE
Employee Screening Protocol
Employers should consult with counsel regarding any questions relating to this Order.