Pennsylvania Order Protecting Employees Effective April 19 at 8:00 PM
On April 15, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, headed by Dr. Rachel Levine, issued an Order that puts increased burdens on employers throughout the state. This order went into effect on April 19, 2020 at 8:00 pm. The Order is explicit and specific as to protocol that employers must implement. It also requires that all employers ensure that all employees are made aware of the required procedures. It is a good idea for companies implement written COVID Policies and distribute them to employees.
Cleaning Protocol
Business must maintain their pre-existing cleaning protocol. Businesses must clean and disinfect high-touch areas in accordance with the guidelines of the CDC.
When the Business is Exposed to a Person who is a Probable or Confirmed Case of COVID-19
Disinfect and Clean
Close off the area visited by the individual who is a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19.
Open outside doors and windows;
Use ventilation fans
Wait a minimum of 24 hours, or as long as practical, before beginning disinfection/cleaning.
Identify Employees Who Were in Close Contact
Close Contact means within about 6 feet for about 10 minutes. The business must identify each individual who had Close Contact with the person who is a Probable or Confirmed COVID, at any time during the 48 hours prior to the symptom onset, and 48 hours prior to the isolation of the individual.
Asymptomatic Employees
For every person who was in Close Contact with the Probable or Confirmed COVID Individual yet who remains asymptomatic, the business should implement the practices set out by the CDC which requires business to (1) measure the employee’s temperature and assess symptoms prior to the employee starting work, (2) regularly monitor the symptoms of the employee, (3) require the employee wear a face mask at all times while in the workplace for 14 days after the last exposure, (4) maintain 6 feet from others and practice social distancing, and (5) disinfect and clean work spaces and equipment routinely.
Symptomatic Employees
Employees who exhibit symptoms must notify their supervisor and stay home. The CDC identified the following symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell.
Employee Becomes Sick During the Work Day
Send the employee home immediately. Identify all individuals who came in close contact with the sick employee 48 prior to the onset of symptoms/ date of isolation.
Temperature Screening
When the business has been exposed to a Known or Suspected case of COVID-19, the employer must implement temperature screening before the employee enters the business prior to the start of each shift. Employees with a temperature over 100.4 must be sent home.
Employee Return to Work
Employees should not return to work until they have consulted a healthcare provider.
Conducting Business
Stagger Work Start and Stop Times
Where it is practicable, have employees’ shift start and end at different times.
Stagger Break Times
This allows for proper social distancing of at least 6 feet between individuals.
Limit the Number of Individuals in Common Areas
This allows for proper social distancing of at least 6 feet between individuals.
Conduct Meetings Virtually
If a meeting must be conducted in person, the meeting must be limited to the fewest number of employees possible, so as to not exceed 10 employees at one time, and maintain a social distance of 6 feet.
Limit Occupancy
Businesses must limit occupancy to no greater than 50% of the number stated on the business’s Certificate of Occupancy
Alter Business Hours
If needed alter hours of business to afford time to clean and restock (if applicable).
Employee Protections
All employees must have access to regular hand-washing with soap and disinfectant wipes to ensure that common areas are cleaned on a regular basis.
Schedule handwashing breaks at least every hour.
All employers must provide masks. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has issued multiple guidances on face masks.
Businesses With Customer Interface
Install shields or other barriers at registers or check-outs, or take other measures to ensure social distancing. If there are multiple check-out lines, use ever other register and rotate the use of each register every hour.
Encourage the use of online ordering.
Require all customers to wear masks. Deny entry to individuals not wearings masks.
Businesses providing medication, medical supplies or food MUST provide alternative methods of pick-up or delivery of such goods.
Where there are carts and hand-baskets, employers must assign an employee to wipe down carts and hand-baskets before they become available for each customer when entering the premises.
THIS ORDER BECAME EFFECTIVE ON APRIL 19, 2020 AT 8:00 PM. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.